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BenchSci Updates
Jul 23, 2024  BenchSci Updates
Beyond the Classroom: TKS Students Make Real-World Impact at BenchSci
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Jun 28, 2023  BenchSci Updates
Welcoming Three New Members from Roche and Sanofi to Our Scientific Advisory Board
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Jun 7, 2023  BenchSci Updates
The story behind our $95M D round from Generation Investment Management
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Jan 31, 2023  AI in Drug Discovery
From Coffee to Collaboration: Bringing ASCEND to Life with AMGEN
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Jan 31, 2023  AI in Drug Discovery
Introducing ASCEND™ by BenchSci, our innovative new AI platform with the power to transform preclinical pharmaceutical research
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Nov 3, 2022  BenchSci Updates
BenchSci adds authoritative, cutting-edge data from Mary Ann Liebert to accelerate drug discovery
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Apr 13, 2022  BenchSci Updates
Accelerate Research With Third-party Gene Expression Data on BenchSci
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Mar 22, 2022  BenchSci Updates
Accelerate Scientific Discovery with Preprint Data via BenchSci
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Nov 15, 2021  BenchSci Updates
How BenchSci Helps Scientists Overcome the Challenges of Working with CRISPR
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