This blog was guest-authored by Krish Mendapara, Naina Kumar, and Tehseen Dahya who partnered with BenchSci for a 7-week placement through our ongoing partnership with The Knowledge Society. 

Could AI be the key to unlocking faster, life-saving medical treatments? This is the question that drives BenchSci, a company revolutionizing drug discovery with AI. As high school students eager to explore the intersection of science and technology, we were thrilled to spend our summer immersed in BenchSci's ground-breaking work.

Our seven-week internship, made possible by The Knowledge Society (TKS), was a source of learning, growth, and inspiration. We gained hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies, expanded our networks, and even had a thought-provoking conversation with BenchSci's CEO and Co-Founder, Liran Belenzon.

Our time with Liran was an open agenda; any topic or question that was top of mind for us was on the table. As future leaders, we went into this conversation eager to learn more about Liran's personal journey, leadership principles, and the lessons learned while building BenchSci. For us, these topics will serve us as we continue our education, future job opportunities, and of course, should we pursue a life of entrepreneurship. In this blog, we'll share key takeaways from our conversation with Liran and explore how his perspective has shaped our aspirations for the future.

A Culture of Growth and Accountability 

We arrived at BenchSci with a "figure it out" mindset, a core principle instilled in us by TKS. This philosophy emphasizes proactive problem-solving, thinking beyond the immediate, and taking responsibility for our actions and well-being. At BenchSci, we witnessed this philosophy translate into a thriving company culture where accountability and continuous learning are key.

One of the most impactful aspects of this placement was witnessing BenchSci's unique culture firsthand. Liran emphasized the crucial role of company culture in attracting and retaining talent, fostering innovation, and achieving ambitious goals. “It’s important to hire people who not only have the right skills but who also believe in our core values and our mission to accelerate scientific breakthroughs. This is the essence of BenchSci's culture.” We saw this in action throughout our placement—the genuine passion and dedication of everyone at BenchSci, coupled with their unwavering commitment to using AI for positive change, created a dynamic and inspiring environment. 

Liran also stressed the importance of having a strong feedback loop, both within the team and with the wider organization. He shared how crucial it is to regularly check in with everyone, give constructive feedback, and celebrate successes. This kind of open communication fosters trust and makes sure everyone feels valued and appreciated. We witnessed this during our time at BenchSci, where everyone was encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas, contributing to a culture of continuous improvement.

Leadership in a Dynamic Landscape

Navigating the fast-paced world of startups requires adaptability and a willingness to learn from others while remaining true to your vision. Liran used the analogy of a gardener to illustrate this point—it's vital to learn from other gardeners' techniques but equally important to understand the specific needs of your garden and adapt your methods accordingly. This resonated with us as we envision our future careers and the different companies we might work for or build.

Liran's approach to leadership, marked by adaptability, courage, consistency, and transparency, provided us with a valuable framework. This conversation ignited our own desire to embody these qualities as we begin our careers and pursue leadership roles.

Liran's humility and openness in discussing past challenges was also inspiring. When asked about mistakes or failures he had encountered, we expected a story of a failed pivot or experiment. However, Liran didn't frame these experiences as mistakes. 

"With the information we had at the time, we moved forward with decisions we needed to make. Did they always work out? No. But I wouldn't define it as a mistake. We made calculated decisions, walked away with lessons learned, and adapted as needed."

We really admire this perspective and see how important it is to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. As students who are constantly learning and experimenting, this mindset shift is invaluable.

Leading through Learning

One of the things that surprised us the most was hearing Liran speak about his dedication to lifelong learning. He emphasized that being a successful leader means constantly pushing yourself to learn and grow. He explained how he sets goals for himself, identifies knowledge gaps, and actively seeks out resources to fill them. It was eye-opening to see how he even sets deadlines for himself and assigns "homework," like challenging himself to deliver a presentation on a completely unfamiliar topic within six months. This hands-on approach to learning really resonated with us. 

Liran also highlighted the importance of learning from others. As BenchSci has grown, Liran has embraced the role of a student, recognizing the large knowledge base and expertise within the company.

"I learn a lot from a lot of smart people that I work with—whether it’s from scientists, engineers, or other teams."

This willingness to be open to different viewpoints and learn from others, regardless of what stage you’re at in your career, is something we’ll certainly carry with us throughout our own professional journeys.

Liran's passion for continuous learning was contagious. He encouraged us to embrace curiosity and never stop exploring new ideas. Whether it's diving into a new book, listening to a thought-provoking podcast, or engaging in insightful conversations, there’s always an opportunity to learn and grow. He loves the podcast "Acquired," which dives deep into the backstories of well-known brands and companies. "It makes the journey feel less lonely," said Liran. His approach to personal development, including utilizing "dead space" time—like during flights or workouts—to learn, also inspired us to integrate similar strategies into our own lives. This was an important reminder to us that as we move through our education and careers, curiosity and passion for learning will be fundamental to our future success.

Looking Ahead

Having successfully completed our placements at BenchSci, we're now embarking on the next chapter of our professional journeys, filled with a sense of purpose and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. We're grateful for the opportunity to have learned from Liran and the entire BenchSci team, and are excited to see what the future holds for BenchSci and the life sciences industry. We believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, and we're passionate about being a part of this exciting journey. We're eager to apply the lessons we've learned at BenchSci to our future endeavors and to continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the years to come.