Stories about
Career Development
May 6, 2021  Career Development
This One Question Improves Every Project: What's My Role?
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Oct 13, 2020  Career Development
Lessons Learned from Interviewing 500+ Software Engineers
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Sep 23, 2020  Career Development
We Remotely Onboarded 29 New Employees During COVID-19. Here’s How.
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May 17, 2018  Career Development
7 Tips to Apply for a Non-Academic Job with a Life Science PhD
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Mar 28, 2018  Career Development
Alternative Careers for STEM PhDs: Life Science Consulting
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Dec 6, 2017  Career Development
PepTalk 2018: 1-on-1 with Keynote Speaker Dr. Philip Kim
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Oct 3, 2017  Career Development
Entrepreneurship as an Alternative Career for PhDs in Life Sciences: Part 2
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Sep 21, 2017  Career Development
Entrepreneurship as an Alternative Career for PhDs in Life Sciences: Part 1
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Feb 6, 2017  Career Development
Why I started BenchSci: Dr. Tom Leung at HIT Unconference
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